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Rockbox . Main . WpsGallery

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The WPS config file gallery

See how other people have configured the CustomWPS:

Archos Recorder

The Rockbox default for Recorder:

%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>

%pc/%pt [%pp:%pe]
%fbkBit %?fv<avg|> %?iv<(id3v%iv)|(no id3)>

MarkBright 1

My FMR WPS screen is currently :

Playing Now Playing Next
Batt:%bt   Vol:%pv
%t5%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>;%t5%s%?It<NEXT: %In. %It|%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>>
%t5%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>;%t5%s%?Id<%Id|%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
Trk: %pp of %pe%?ps<{%ps}|> %?iv<id3: V%iv|>
Trk Time: %pc/%pt

Font = uwe_prop


I use this one on my JBR with Default font

NicolasGif.png NicolasGif_1.png NicolasGif_2.png

%s%?in<%in. >%?it<%?ia<%ia - >%it|%fm>
%?iy<%t7.5%fbkbps     [%iy]|%t0>;%t7.5%fbkbps    %ffHz;%sNext: %?It<%t15%?Ia<%Ia - >%It|%?Fm<%t15%Fm|%t0>> 
    %pc / %pt
%pp/%pe %?fv<VBR|CBR> %fskB


not so high sophisticated (used with Rec20):
%?%pn<P: %pn %pp/%pe|D: %pn %pp/%pe>
%s %?in<%in: >%?it<%it|%fn> %?ia<[%ia%?id<, %id>]>
Art: %ia
Alb: %id
Trk %in: %it
%fbkbps %ffHz %fskb
+%pc / %pt / -%pr


Use it with a small font like uwe_prop. I own a JBR20 ,the MP3 are organized as /genre/artist-album/[0-9][0-9]-trackname.


%s%?in<%in. >%?it<%it|%fm>
%?iv<id3v%iv >%fb kBit %fv
%pc/%pr  %?pp<%pp(%pe%?ps<%ps>)>

JensArnold 1

Full info version, used with a small font (rockfont-8) for headphone/ hifi:


%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?ia<%ia|.. %?d2<%d2|%?d1<(Hauptverz.)|>>>
%s%?id<%id|. %?d1<%d1|(Hauptverz.)>>%?iy< (%iy)|>
%pc/%pt [%pp/%pe]
%s%ffHz %fbkBit%?fv< VBR|> %?iv<(id3v%iv)|(kein id3)>

JensArnold 2

Compact version, used with a large font (xtal-14) for car stereo:


%s%?ia<%ia|.. %?d2<%d2|%?d1<(Hauptverz.)|>>>
%s%?id<%id|. %?d1<%d1|(Hauptverz.)>>
%pc/%pt %pp/%pe


used with a large font (courB14)



ChristiScarborough 1

This is not very different from the standard WPS, but the progress bar is at the top, along with the level bar. The rest is the information I generally find I want to know. Uses a standard size font.


# Christi's WPS for Recorder
%pc/%pt [%pp of %pe]
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
Bat: %bt [%bl]

ChristiScarborough 2

I don't see too well so I created a couple of WPSes that I think are a bit clearer than the standard WPS. This one uses the 6x9 font.


# Christi's high vis WPS for Recorder (use 6x9 font)
%pc/%pt [%pp of %pe]
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
Bat: %bt [%bl]

ChristiScarborough 3

This one is intended for in car use, and is basic but very large. Use the win_crox1c font.


# Christi's very high vis. WPS for in car use  (use win_crox1c font)
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
Bat: %bl


Use atadore font; with/or without status bar. Sorry, in german, but with next song mode and some other stuff... (used with Rec20):
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
 %pc  %|  %pr  %|  %pt
%s%?Fm<|Titel %pp von %pe>;%t12%s  +++  nächster Titel: %?Fm<%?Ia<%Ia|%?D2<%D2|>> - %?It<%It|%?D1<%D1|>> %?Iy<(%Iy)|>|%t0>
+++  %s%fb kBit%?fv< VBR|CBR>/%ff Hz/%fs kb %?iv<(id3v%iv)|(Kein ID3-Tag)> %?ic<Komponist: %ic|> %?ig<Genre: %ig|> %?iy<Jahr: %iy|> Spielzeit: noch %btin



Use atadore font. Disable status bar (or the wps won't fit completely on the screen).


# carp01EN.wps
# Use font ATADORE
# 2005-01-05 Carsten Pache
# Inspired by JoerchB's WPS (Thanks, JoerchB!)
%?ic<%t4%sComposer: %ic|%t0>;%?ig<%t4Genre: %ig|%t0>;%?iy<%t4Year: %iy|%t0>;%t4BR: %fbkBit %?fv<VBR|CBR>;%t4FREQ: %ffHz;%t4Size: %fs kb;%t4Accu: %bt left
 %pc  ·  %pr  ·  %pt
%?Fm<|         %pp of %pe>;%t12%s  +++ next song: %?Fm<%?Ia<%Ia|%?D2<%D2|>> - %?It<%It|%?D1<%D1|>> %?Iy<(%Iy)|>|%t0>



Inspired by JensArnold's wps, removed some useless info and added some other useless info :)


# zeekoe.wps
# font: /.rockbox/fonts/rockfont-8.fnt
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|%?d1<Rock · box|>>>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|xob · kcoR>>%?iy< (%iy)|>
%pc/%pt [%pp/%pe] %fb%?fv<k vbr|kBit>
%?ig<g: %ig - >b: %bt


This is all about ID3. I think that it gets a lot of info onto the screen.
Anything long scrolls; Title and Artist are set off by dots.
The 6-second scrolling Album line alternates with a 3-second Year.
If data is missing, it tells you. Most small fonts should work.

Peak Meter
Title of track OR Filename
Artist OR No Data Msg
Album/Year OR No Data Msgs
Track Number OR No Data Msg (??) · Sample Rate · CBR/VBR
Current position « Total Track Time » Remaining time
Position Bar


%s· %?it<%it|No Title Data -- %fn>
%s· %?ia<%ia|No Artist Data>
%s%t6%?id<%id|No Album Data>;%t3%?iy<%iy|No Year Data>
%?in<Track %in|Track ??> · %fbkbps %?fv<· VBR|· CBR>
%pc   « %pt »   %pr

iriver H1x0

The Rockbox default for iriver:

%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>

%pc/%pt [%pp:%pe]
%fbkBit %?fv<avg|> %?iv<(id3v%iv)|(no id3)>


This is one that we're using on iriver H120s/H140s. It is based on designs by Jonny, svenbox and kenshin at MisticRiver. I use it with the 6x13B font and find myself to be happier with it than the iriver's firmware display. Mostly that is because I have the opportunity to show genre and/or composer in addition to the cool rockbox features showing next track and playlist name. All of those will show in the bottom 2nd and 3rd to last lines if they are non-null and will rotate in 5s intervals. Huge thanks goes out to Rockbox for giving us (iriver users) this sweet firmware with two features that I, for one, have desired most: gapless playback and on-the-fly playlists.


%pc/%pt    %?ps<[%ps]|   >    %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>
%?ig<%t5Genre: %ig %?iy<(%iy)|>|%?iy<%t8Year: %iy|>>;%?ic<%t5Composer: %ic|>
%?It<%t5Next:  %It|%sNext: %Fn>;%?Ia<%t5Next:  %Ia|%t0>;%t4List:  %pn
%ffHz  %?fv<%bt|  %bt>   %?fv<%fbK VBR|  %fbK>


Long Years I had to work with the custom Iriver Firmware, I liked the icons very much. But rockbox is for sure the better alternative for playing my music, but I felt the need for a more "playful" kind of WPS and here it is:

Torben Mohrfeldt's WPS Screen Screen With Year

As You can see I used some blank lines in order to keep it readable and to avoid "information overflow". Many of my files just have an artist and a title tag, further I need information about the album the track belongs to if there's no album tag the directory1 is displayed (i.e. the directory "just below" the file). In the line under the progressbar the last shown value is either the ID3-Tag Version Number (not important to me but I wanted some number to fill the space) or if tagged (and very important for me) the year of release/recording. I translated the German words so you can see what the words mean.


Artist: %ia %s
Title: %it %s
%?id<Album: %id|Directory: %d1> %s
 %pc/%pt%|%fb Kbps%|%?iy<%iy|%iv> 

Coming Up Next       
 %s%t4%Ia; %s%t6%It



My WPS Customization



Trk.:%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
Art.:%s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|%?d1<Rock · box|>>>
Alb.:%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|xob · kcoR>>%?iy< (%iy)|>

-%pr  ·   %pc   ·   %pt
%?Fm<         %pp of %pe|>
%s%ffHz · %fbkbps %?fv< ·   VBR| ·   CBR>

%?It<%t5Next: %s%It|Next: %s%Fn>;%?Fm<%?Ia<%t5Next: %s%Ia|%?D2<%t5Next: %D2|>>>


I've made this WPS for iriver for people who have well tagged files... However it should work fine even if your files aren't tagged (using filename and directory scheme). It's optimized for the font "snapfont" which is not very big to be true... Actually this WPS show most of the large amount of information that Rockbox WPS allows to display... To avoid graphical overcharge I've used a lot of conditionals and groups (sublines). Please note that I've encountered some restrictions due to Rbx WPS number of symbols limit (not very useful now ;) )... Screenshot is synced now... ;)


#Font: snap
%t1.5 %<VOLUME: %pv%>; %t3%bl=%bt Battery left!;%s%t5%fc %| %ffHz %| %?fv<%fbKbps VBR|%fbKbps>
%s%?ig<· %ig|* GENRE NOT AVAILABLE! *>;%t10%s%?ig<· %ig|Path: %fp>
|-+ %s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|[\root]>>
  |-+ %s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|[\root]>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
    |-+ %s%?it<%it|%fn> %?in<[#%in]|>
          %?iv<%t1.5~ Tag: id3v%iv ~|%s[NO/UNSUPPORTED TAG]>;%t5%?ic<%s%t5Composer: %ic|%t0>;%s%t3File size: %fsKb
%pc/%pt | -%pr  %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>
%?Fn<%s%t5%>%> TRACK: %?It<%It %?In<[#%In]|>|%Fn>|%t0>;%?Fn<%s%t3%>%> ARTIST: %?Ia<%Ia|%?D2<%D2|%t0>>|%t0>;%?Fn<%s%t4%>%> ALBUM: %?Id<%Id %?Iy<(%Iy)|>|%?D1<%D1|%t0>>|%t0>;%?Fn<%t1.5%>%> GENRE: %?Ig<%Ig|%t0>;%?pn<%s%t2.5List: %pn.m3u|%t1.5[NO LOADED LIST!]>;%s%?Fn<%t0|/!\ NEXT SONG UNBUFFERED...>



Also my iriver WPS is for well tagged files. It's optimized for the font "chicago12".
The 6th line is switsching between year, genre, playlist & playlist entry and playcount (when available).
The last line is switching between next artist, next album, next song (if available).


%ac%?iy<%t3Year: %iy|%t0>;%ac%?ig<%t3Genre: %ig|%t0>;%ac%?pn<%t3Playlist: %pn|%t0>;%ac%?pn<%t3Playlist: [%pp/%pe]|%t0>;%ac%?rp<%t3Playcount: %rp|%t0>

%ac%?Ia<%t3%Ia|%t0.4Please Wait>;%ac%?Ia<%t3%Id|%t0.4.Please Wait.>;%ac%?Ia<%t3%It|%t0.4..Please Wait..>

BMP file: The BMP's


My 'Master WPS' for use with the Atadore font.

The screen displays all the data I could possibly want yet still looks good.


And then when next song data is available....


· %s%?it<%it|%fn>
· %s%?ia<%ia|%d2>
· %s%?id<%id|%d1>  %?iy<(%iy)|>

%pc/%pt                    %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>

%?It<Comin' up shortly:|           Retrieving next>
%?It<· %It|%?It<· %Fn|               song data...>
%?Ia<· %Ia|%?D2<· %D2| >
%?Id<· %Id|%?D1<· %D1|%?ig<Genre: %ig| >>>
%?It<%?pn<· [%pn]|>|%?pn<Playlist: %pn| >>

%fc      %?fv<%ffHz|    %ffHz>      %?fv<%fbK VBR|    %fbK>


#use adator or whatever on this wps thank you very much 
   %s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
   %s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|%?d1<Rock · box|>>>
   %s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|xob · kcoR>>%?iy< (%iy)|>

        %pv       %bl (%bt)
%al%pc/%pt            %ar%?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>

%fc                            %?fv<%fbK VBR|%fbK CBR>

#Image positions
#%?It<%?pn<%x4|Playlist.bmp|1|104| %pn| >>


My wps for french people, based on the wps JonnyDr, but with little changes.

greg1.bmp And gregscreen2.bmp

With Playlist...

gregscreen2.bmp And gregscreen2.bmp

Titre: %s%?it<%?in<%in.|>%it|%fn>
Artiste: %s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|(NoTag)>>
Album: %s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(NoTag)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>

%pc/%pt · %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>

%?It<Morceau suivant:|        Recherche>
%?It<·%It|%?It<· %Fn|    morceau suivant...>
%?Ia<·%Ia|%?D2<· %D2|
%?It<%?pn<·Playlist: %pn|>|%?pn<Playlist: %pn| >>


%fc·%?fv<%fbkb/s VBR|%fbkb/s CBR|> à %ffHz


Here is my WPS after a few reiterations. Right now I'm using snap font.. but I made this so it will be forgiving with many of the medium sized fonts. Fonts like Chicago lose the "Next:" lines
# my default WPS - uses snap font


%s%t5%fc %fbkBit %?fv<vbr|cbr>;%s%t5%?in<Track: %in|>;%s%t5%?iy<Year: %iy|>
%s%?pn<%pn|OTF Playlist> [%pp/%pe]
%s%?Ia<Next: %Ia|>
%s%?It<         %It|>


I use the 6x13 font with this one, but smaller fonts will work too (they'll just take up less space)
%s%id %?iy<(%iy)>
 %pc/%pt [No.%pp/%pe]
 %fbkbps %ffHz %fsKb

RockboxScreenDump.jpg NewRockboxScreendump.bmp

And on the right, one for the Snap font

Berk's iHP-120 
%s%id %?iy<(%iy)>
 %pc/%pt [No.%pp/%pe]
Batt:%bl Vol:%pv %?ps<[Shuffle]>
 %fc %fbkbps %fsKb


This one is made for the chicago12 font. It needs tagged files.
%?ig<Genre: %ig>%?iy< (%iy)>

(%pt) %pc
Coming in %pr:


This is my updated WPS. The top line changes every few seconds and the playlist and size alternates the same if there is a playlist name.
#Font: snap
%ac%t3%bl%  %?bt<= %bt Battery Rem|>;%ac%t3%?fc<%fc|> | VOL: %pv%  %|%?fb< %fb kbps|>
- %s%?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|[\root]>> %?ig<(%ig)|>
 - %s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|[\root]>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
  - %s%?it<%it|%?fn<%fn|> %?in<(%in)|>
%?pn<   - %t3List: %pn.m3u %?pe<(%pe)|>|%t0>;%?pn<   - %t3Size: %fskb|   - Size: %fskb>
%ac%pc/%pt | -%pr  %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>  
%?It<%?Ia<Next Song:|>|%?Ia<|%acRetrieving next>>
%?It<%?Ia<. %Ia|>|%?Ia<|%acsong data...>>
%?It<%?Ia<. %It|>|>
GeorgeCollins_Snap3.png GeorgeCollins_Snap4.png GeorgeCollins_Snap5png

MarkBright 2

For my H140, I use the following :

Mark Bright's iriver H1xx WPS

It is based on TanguySIMON's version above, but at my age 'snap' font is just WAY too small, so I use the 6x10 font.. and used the new %fc tag in the bottom line

Vol:%pv Batt:%bt [%bl] 
+ %s%?ia<%ia|%d2>
|-+ %s%?id<%id|%d1>
  |-+ %s%?it<%it|%fn>
      (%t3%?iv< Tag: id3v%iv|No tag>);%?ic<%s%t3 Composer: %ic|>; %?iy<%t10 Year: %iy)|>
%pc / %pt     %?pp<[ %pp / %pe ]|>
%?It<%s%t5Next track: %It|%sNext track: %Fn>;%?Ia<%s%t5Next Artist: %Ia|%sNext Artist: %D2>;%?Id<%s%t3Next Album: %Id|%sNext Album: %D1>
%fc - %?fv<%fbK VBR| %fbK> at %ffHz


I decided to work on a theme about a week ago, with the advent of images implemented into the WPS. However, in the end I decided to go for simplicity, and I'm very happy with the result. I used the Snap font (which seems popular), but it should work adequately with any font of the same size.

%pp of %pe %?pn<(%pn)|>
%pr until:
ChrisRobinson1.png ChrisRobinson2.png

Note to anyone using this WPS
Upon trying this out (I copied and pasted directly to Windows Notepad), I found the Time Elapsed/Time Total for the songs was nowhere on the screen. Apparently, on my player at least, the "%pc/%pt" tag was just too far off screen. Maybe this is ok w/ a different font, but all I did was adjust the spacing before that tag. 9 spaces before the tag centered it on my screen. Please delete this if it is unnecessary. -Nicholas.Blew


My very simple WPS, mainly here to show my wps alignment patch, which can be found at

%acTrack %pp of %pe


I borrowed basically everything from Johnny's WPS along with Flol's, so thanks for the code everyone!

There was a patch submitted to make the vumeter work, so I figured I may as well drop it in for fun.


Since this WPS includes a picture, please download with this link:



I made this by cannibalising various other on here, so cheers! I use the nimbus-12 font for this

Battery Life: %bt
%pc/%pt               %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>  
%s%?id<%id|%d1>  %?iy<(%iy)|>
%s%?It<%t5Next: %s%It|Next: %s%Fn>;%?Fm<%?Ia<%t5Next: %s%Ia|%?D2<%t5Next: %D2|>>>

feel free to add or subtract from it...

Mark Duwe's screendump.png


I made this one after observing other WPS files posted over at misticriver.
It is designed for use with the snap font (although I'm sure others will work). I decided to include track numbers in the song title (personal preference),
This goes by ID3 tag track number, not playlist number. Since the WPS uses a background you have to download the zip file with the WPS and background image.

Snapwise screendump

Download the WPS here


Here is my first WPS. I just modified the graphics and the statusbar on Aru's wps. The wps is designed for 6x10 font with status bar disabled.

Slasher's WPS



Based heavily off of Jonny's Master WPS.
Includes newly functional Iriver Peak meters!
The bottom line above the file info will alternate between
playlist (if it exists) and genre. All Next info tags will
fall back to file name/directory name info if ID3 tags are not
present. Thanks to Jonny for the inspiration! Use with the Nedore 9 Font!

· %s%?it<%it|%fn>
· %s%?ia<%ia|%d2>
· %s%?id<%id|%d1>
· %s%?ig<%ig|%d3>
%pc/%pt                %?pp<[%pp/%pe]|>
%s%?Fn<Next:|Retrieving Info:>
%s%?Fn<%?It<· %It|· %Fn>|>
%s%?Fn<%?Ia<· %Ia|· %D2>|>
%s%?Fn<%?Id<· %Id|· %D1>|>
%s%t5%?pn<· [%pn]|%t0>;%t5%?Fn<%?Ig<· %Ig|· %D3>|>
%fc      %?fv<%ffHz|    %ffHz>      %?fv<%fbK VBR|    %fbK>


This is my first WPS, I didn't like a lot of the other ones I'd seen so I made my own, took the better part of a day to learn the placeholders and layout.
The line below the progress bar cycles through currrent file data, the line under that is a makeshift animation and below the peak meter is the cycling info on the next song.
Thanks to JeremyDavidson for some code ideas (ie to default to filename data if tag isn't present) and all the people he thanked.
Font used is the 6x12.fnt that comes as standard.
Minor update, I tweaked the animation (the vertical didn't look right), brought the playlist position into the next song cycler and expanded the time line.
Another update, I centered the top 3 lines, and stuck a hash in with the track number and centered the file info.

%ac%s%?id<%id|%d1> %?iy<(%iy)|>
%ac%s%?in<#%in - |>%?it<%it|%fm>

%pc/%pt  Remaining: %pr
%acCodec: %t3%fc;%acSize: %t3%fsKb;%acBitrate: %t3%fbKb/s;%acSample Rate: %t3%ffKHz
%t0.4         /// l \\\;%t0.4         /// / \\\;%t0.4         /// - \\\;%t0.4         /// \ \\\
%?Fn<%t5Next: %It|%sEnd Of Playlist>;%?Ia<%s%t5By: %Ia|%t0>;%t5Playlist Position: %pp of %pe


This is also my first WPS, I used some of the code from the iPod-like WPS and added some other bits - Then I added a nice bmp image to keep it all looking neat - personalised
of course, but you can edit the bmp to have your name or whatever obviously.
I use the font "xtal-14".
To use this WPS you will need to turn the Rockbox status bar off - to do this, enter the menu and select General Settings>Display>Status-/Scrollbar>Status Bar>set to 'no'.

WPS screenshot

Download the .wps file and .bmp file here


This WPS uses the font fixed-12 (bold) which I created like I described on CreateFonts, but other fonts which give you at least nine lines of text (plus statusbar) should do as well.

JochenSchulz WPS JochenSchulz WPS

As you can see, the bottom line is alternating between showing the artist and the title of the next track. Here's the WPS file:

# artist:
# album
%s%ac%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|/>> %?iy<%<%iy%>|>

# title
# progress bar
# time, tracknum
%ac%pc / %pt [%pp of %pe]
# file info (codec, bitrate)
%ac%fbkBit %?fv<avg|> %fc

### next track: title, artist
%t4Next: %?It<%It|%?In<%In|?>>;%t2Next: %?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|/>>


Here's my new WPS which mimics a status bar with additional info about the file format of the current file. You have to use a daily build from at least 2005-09-01. Grab all the necessary images from here and unpack it into the .rockbox directory (should create a /gfx subdirectory).

JochenSchulz WPS

%al   %pv %ac%?mp<%xdf|%xdg|%xdh|%xdi|%xdj> %?mm<%xdx|%xdy|%xdz|%xdy> %?fc<%xdk|%xdl|%xdm|%xdn|%xdo|%xdp|%xdq|%xdr|%xdr>   %fbK%ar%bt
%s%ac%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|/>> %?iy<%<%iy%>|>

%al%pc%ac[%pp of %pe]%ar%pr

%t4Next: %?It<%It|%?In<%In|?>>;%t2Next: %?ia<%ia|%?d2<%d2|/>>


This is my first wps, it's in french but just edit the wps file to set the french lines in english.

Next Infos

If there is no next song informations, it will show file information: Codec, size, bitrate If there is no id3 tag, it will show the filename, and the dir and subdir of this file.

The WPS file The BMP file

Put this files in .rockbox/ directory !


Hello, this is my first WPS. I use the
font "courB08". To use this WPS you will
need to turn the Rockbox status bar off!
You can change anything you want.


If there is no next song information, it will show the text: "Unavailable".
Lines with artist, album, title and next song information will scroll if they are wider than the screen.

The WPS file The BMP file

Just put the files in the .rockbox/ directory.


This is based on/inspired by a desing by jon62690 from misticriver
Turn the status bar off and use the snap font for best results,
if you want I can create one which has spaces for both title and
artist in addition to the album. Or maybe one without vu meters,
I'll sleep now and do more later on. Thanks to all contributors
feel free to change anything, Opensource BANSAI!!

the latter is a demo of the scroller to see how it goes off the screen

The WPS file
The BMP file

Just save the two files in your .rockbox folder

MattHolst Animated4.1

I made this WPS based off of the Remo Martinelli's original BMP-WPS. I changed alot of things around though, I use Nimbus12 instead of Chincago12 to get 1 extra line. I also lowered the "next" bar so it lines up with the new font. I changed what information is shown, it shows the following:

Playlist Name (if available)
Playlist Position

It also displays small images in the upper left hand corner for mp3 and wav files. All other codecs have the name of the codec displayed in text in the same position. I had originally used images for all codecs, but since the .wps file has to be under 800 bytes I was forced to cut back.

The information for the next track is displayed at the bottom if it's available, otherwise "please wait" is displayed.

My favorite part of this WPS is the animated dance puff :). I like him, if you don't you can take him out. I had to cheat a little to get him to display correctly, I don't know why, but if I didn't put a current time display on the lines the animation shows up on, it wouldn't look right. Anyway, enough talk, here's the wps:

The animation looks like this only it was converted to black and white and shrunken to fit. The image came from .

Here is the .wps file:

Here are the .bmp files you'll need:

%?fc %pc
%ac%s%?id<%id|%d1> (%iy)

%s%ac%?pn<%t15Playlist: %pn|%t0>;%s%ac%?pe<%t3Position: %pp/%pe|%t0>;%s%ac%?rp<%t3Playcount: %rp|%t0>;%s%ac%?ig<%t3Genre: %ig|%t0>;%s%ac%?fb

%s%?Ia<%Ia - %It|%acPlease Wait>

Please send comments, questions, and especially suggestions to

Please include screenshots with your WPS. Attach the screenshot with the "attach" link on the bottom of this page.
Don't forget to hide the attachment (use "Hide attachment in normal topic view" checkbox, while you're at the "attach" page).
Use PNG format when possible, not JPG (the images look blurry with it) or BMP (the files are bigger and not all browsers support this one).
Add your CustomWPS screens before this comment.

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Revision r1.282 - 08 Sep 2005 - 20:23 GMT - MichielToneman Copyright © 1999-2005 by the contributing authors.